How to cancel 49 euro ticket | How to cancel Deutschland ticket

As tempting as it may be to explore Germany’s wonders on a budget with the 49-euro Deutschlandticket, sometimes unforeseen circumstances or a change of heart can lead to the need for a cancellation or refund.

This blog post will guide you through the process of purchasing, canceling, and refunding your 49-euro Deutschlandticket subscription, ensuring you don’t miss a beat while keeping your wallet intact

Purchasing the 49-Euro Deutschlandticket Subscription

A 49-euro Deutschland ticket subscription provides unlimited access to regional and local public transport throughout Germany for one month.


You can buy your ticket via the Deutsche Bahn website, the DB Navigator app, any German local public transport association’s online platform (e.g. BVG), or in person at a Deutsche Bahn or local transport association ticket office.

Unlike the now-defunct 9-euro ticket, the 49-euro Deutschland ticket requires a subscription, making organization a must. For instance, to buy a ticket valid for June, you’ll need to purchase the subscription by May 10.

Anyone with a European IBAN can buy a Deutschland ticket subscription, including tourists. After your initial payment, Deutsche Bahn will automatically debit your bank account monthly for the subscription.

How to cancel 49 euro ticket subscription?

If you change your mind or no longer need your 49-euro Deutschlandticket, follow these steps to cancel or refund your subscription:

  1. Go to the platform where you bought your ticket (i.e., the Deutsche Bahn website, DB Navigator app, or local public transport association’s online platform).
  2. If you bought your ticket before the 10th day of the current calendar month and it hasn’t started yet, you can cancel and get a full refund.
  3. If you have an ongoing subscription, cancel it by the 10th day of the current month to avoid being charged for the next month. For example, to cancel a June subscription, you must cancel by May 10.

Steps to cancel 49 euro ticket subscription

Disclaimer – The steps below ware taken from the sources available online and I didn’t try to cancel the subscription on my own. So, please follow these steps with caution and at your own risk. Also, the steps mentioned below are translated to English. The original options are in German.

  1. Login to the website.
  2. Once you are logged in, scroll to the bottom of the page and find the section – “Is there anything else we can do for you”?
  3. Click on “My subscription services”.
  4. You will be redirected to the subscription portal where you can see your 49-euro subscription tile.
  5. Click on the “View subscription” link.
  6. On this page, you should be able to see various actions you can take on your subscription and one of the actions is “Quit” or “Cancel”.
  7. Click on it and choose the date as 30.06.2023 if you want to cancel your July 2023 subscription.

Understanding Cancellation and Refund Conditions for the 49-Euro Deutschlandticket

The table below provides an overview of different conditions related to canceling and refunding your 49-euro Deutschland ticket subscription.

Familiarize yourself with these scenarios to ensure you make informed decisions regarding your ticket and avoid any unwanted charges.

ConditionCan You Cancel the Ticket?Refund Available?Additional Information
Ticket purchased, but not startedYesYesFull refund if canceled before the subscription starts.
Ongoing subscriptionYesNoCancel by the 10th day of the current month to avoid being charged for the next month.
Forgot to cancel by the 10th of the monthNoNoYour bank account will be debited for the next month, and you won’t be able to cancel or receive a refund for that month. You can still cancel it for the month after.


Canceling or refunding your 49-euro Deutschland ticket subscription is simple and straightforward.

By keeping track of your purchase and the relevant dates, you can ensure a seamless process, allowing you to focus on your adventures—or lack thereof—throughout Germany.

FAQ about 49-Euro Deutschlandticket

Q: Who is eligible to purchase a 49-euro Deutschland ticket subscription?
Anyone with a European IBAN, including tourists, can purchase a 49-euro Deutschland ticket subscription. This ticket offers unlimited access to regional and local public transport throughout Germany for one month.

Q: How can I purchase a 49-euro Deutschland ticket?
You can purchase the Deutschland ticket through several channels, including the Deutsche Bahn website, the DB Navigator app, any German local public transport association’s online platform, or in person at a Deutsche Bahn or local transport association ticket office.

Q: When do I need to purchase the Deutschland ticket to ensure it’s valid for the next calendar month?
You must purchase your Deutschland ticket subscription by the 10th day of the current calendar month to ensure its validity for the next month. For example, to secure a ticket for June, you must purchase it by May 10.

Q: How do I cancel or refund my 49-euro Deutschland ticket subscription?
To cancel or refund your subscription, visit the platform where you initially purchased your ticket. If you bought the ticket before the 10th day of the current month and it hasn’t started yet, you can cancel and receive a full refund. If you have an ongoing subscription, be sure to cancel it by the 10th day of the current month to avoid being charged for the next month.

Q: What happens if I forget to cancel my subscription by the 10th day of the month?
If you forget to cancel your subscription by the 10th day of the current month, Deutsche Bahn will automatically debit your bank account for the next month’s subscription. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to receive a refund or cancel your subscription for that particular month.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for general informational purposes only. We strongly advise readers to conduct their due diligence or consult with a professional legal or immigration consultant before taking any action based on the content of this post. "Germany Is Calling" or the author of this post does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or applicability of the information provided.

88 thoughts on “How to cancel 49 euro ticket | How to cancel Deutschland ticket”

  1. Hi Hariharan

    As per the website, you can now book for the current month and get the ticket for May electronically but there is no clarity around the topic of cancellation for the next month. If I understand it correctly, the deduction for the next month happens on the 5th of the month but to cancel the ticket you should do it before the 10th of the previous month. This is not possible for the month of June and hence its better to check with your local ticket agency. You should still be able to cancel your ticket for the month of July if you do it before the 10th of June (as per the official website).

  2. Still didn’t get the point – where is the option on DB application – to cancel my subscription for June – if I don’t need 49€ ticket anymore

  3. Hi Tatiana

    Please check the swipe menu on your DB app. I do see an option called “Cancel contract” towards the bottom of the menu.

  4. Hello!
    I canceled my ticket at the beginning of the month because I wanted to use it for May only. Not only was my bank account not debited in May, but I canceled it 4 times through the DB application on my cell phone and I never received a confirmation email.
    Now I have in my phone the ticket for June also.
    I sent emails because I can’t enter Abo’s portal either and no one responds to me.
    Do you know if I can do something else?

  5. Hi Mariela

    I can understand the frustration. My suggestion would be to visit the nearest DB ticket office and seek help. They should be able to guide you or help you with the cancellation request.

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